Tuning Up Your HVAC System

Prior to the summer months, arranging for an AC tune-up can help ensure that you have good performance from this appliance throughout the hot months of the year. While AC tune-ups are a beneficial type of service to have done to your HVAC system, you may not be aware of all of the work that this will involve.

Thermostat Testing and Calibration

Individuals can easily underappreciate the fact that their thermostats can gradually develop problems that can inhibit their ability to function. One example of this problem can be the thermostat gradually losing accuracy. This inaccuracy can lead to the system being less capable of keeping the home within the desired temperature range. As part of the HVAC tune-up process, the thermostat will be tested, cleaned, and calibrated to ensure that it can take accurate temperature readings of the home's interior.

Removing Leaves and Other Debris from the Exterior Unit

Over the winter months, the exterior portion of your AC system can accumulate very large amounts of leaves and other debris. These materials should be removed prior to the start of the summer seasons as they can reduce airflow and jam-moving components. Unfortunately, a homeowner may have a difficult time removing these materials for their system due to the need to take off the case for the exterior unit. Fortunately, an AC tune-up provider will be capable of safely removing the case so that the interior can be thoroughly cleaned before the unit will need to be used regularly.

Assessment of the Mechanical Components of the AC

Your air conditioning system will be a complex mechanical system that relies on many moving parts to distribute cooled air into your home. During the tune-up process, the technician will perform an evaluation of these components. In many cases, it can greatly benefit the performance of the entire system to clean and lubricate these components. Furthermore, if it is determined that these components are suffering problems, they can be replaced before the issues are able to cause major malfunctions when you need your home to be cool.

A common example of this type of problem could be an AC compressor that has reached the end of its life. When this unit fails, the system will completely lose the ability to cool, and it may even blow hot air into the house due to the compressor overheating. A thorough mechanical evaluation can be useful for finding this potential problem before it is able to impact your system. 
