Buyers look at several factors when considering which homes to purchase, and the health of major appliances is often in the top 10 on their list of concerns. In your quest to make your home more attractive to potential buyers, you may be wondering if it's a good idea to replace your air conditioner. Here are a few things to consider to help you make that decision.
Are There Problems with Your Current Unit?
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Whether you've recently chosen to place your own home into rental service after moving to a new place or have decided to purchase a home to rent out to others, you may be equal parts nervous and excited about officially becoming a landlord. Although regularly receiving rent checks each month can seem like easy money, there are also a number of logistical arrangements you'll need to make before selecting your renters -- from drafting a lease agreement to turning on utilities to painting or recarpeting.
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All residential furnaces have condensate pipes through which water that collects in them drains out. In most cases, the pipes direct the water outdoors through an exterior wall. If you live in the Northern United States and are replacing your furnace during winter, make sure that the cold weather won't make your new furnace condensate pipe freeze up -- especially if you're upgrading an older furnace to a high-efficiency model.
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Springtime is a time of year when people cast away the winter gloom and the previous year's worries in favor of a fresh new start. As you undergo your spring cleaning ritual, make sure that ritual includes checking your climate control system. Here are some compelling reasons to get your HVAC components and ducts inspected during the spring months.
Pest Proliferation
Mice, rats and other vermin emerge from their hiding places every spring, looking for food and a new home after the discomfort and deprivation of the winter months.
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Having a new HVAC system installed means your home will now be more comfortable year-round, and your electric bills may be lower than they were with your older, less-efficient system. In order to continue reaping these energy benefits for many years to come, it's important to properly maintain and take care of your HVAC system. Here are five ways to keep your HVAC system running well for as long as possible:
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