When Replacing Your Furnace In Winter, Make Sure The Condensate Pipe Won’t Freeze

All residential furnaces have condensate pipes through which water that collects in them drains out. In most cases, the pipes direct the water outdoors through an exterior wall. If you live in the Northern United States and are replacing your furnace during winter, make sure that the cold weather won't make your new furnace condensate pipe freeze up -- especially if you're upgrading an older furnace to a high-efficiency model. Read More 

Why Springtime Is The Right Time To Work On Your Climate Control System

Springtime is a time of year when people cast away the winter gloom and the previous year's worries in favor of a fresh new start. As you undergo your spring cleaning ritual, make sure that ritual includes checking your climate control system. Here are some compelling reasons to get your HVAC components and ducts inspected during the spring months. Pest Proliferation Mice, rats and other vermin emerge from their hiding places every spring, looking for food and a new home after the discomfort and deprivation of the winter months. Read More 

5 Ways to Extend the Life of Your HVAC System

Having a new HVAC system installed means your home will now be more comfortable year-round, and your electric bills may be lower than they were with your older, less-efficient system. In order to continue reaping these energy benefits for many years to come, it's important to properly maintain and take care of your HVAC system. Here are five ways to keep your HVAC system running well for as long as possible: Read More 

3 Expensive A/C Installation Mistakes To Avoid

When it comes to your air conditioner installation, getting the job done right the first time can help save you plenty of time and frustration. That means avoiding many of the pitfalls that could turn an otherwise effortless installation into a potentially expensive and time-consuming disaster. Here are 3 common installation mistakes you and your HVAC contractor should take great pains to steer clear of. Mistake #1: Installing the Wrong Size Air Conditioner Read More 

Keep Your Air Conditioner Running At Peak Efficiency

Your summer energy bills are heavily dictated by how well your air conditioner functions. Keeping it running at peak efficiency is a great way to save money without putting all that much effort. Here are several things you need to do to ensure that your air conditioner keeps working at its best. Do Your Regularly Scheduled Maintenance You would completely understand why your car broke down if you never changed the oil. Read More